Reference and Readers' Advisory (R&RA)
Wednesday, January 22
This track is geared toward best practices in reference and readers' advisory.
Wednesday, January 22
This track is geared toward best practices in reference and readers' advisory.
10:30 a.m. - Books Are Our Brand: Reinvesting in RA
Readers' advisory is a service that patrons appreciate and expect, but not all libraries value it by providing ongoing training or emphasis on this work. Readers' advisory is also pitted against reference in libraries and not seen to be as important or relevant, even though RA and reference should be seen as complementary. RA can be intimidating for staff who are balancing diverse patron needs and emergent issues at busy service points, so how can we collectively see the value of RA and work towards a library culture that celebrates the freedom to read and the importance of connecting books with readers? Let's discuss these topics, and more!
Misha Stone, Reader Services Librarian (Washington)
Readers' advisory is a service that patrons appreciate and expect, but not all libraries value it by providing ongoing training or emphasis on this work. Readers' advisory is also pitted against reference in libraries and not seen to be as important or relevant, even though RA and reference should be seen as complementary. RA can be intimidating for staff who are balancing diverse patron needs and emergent issues at busy service points, so how can we collectively see the value of RA and work towards a library culture that celebrates the freedom to read and the importance of connecting books with readers? Let's discuss these topics, and more!
Misha Stone, Reader Services Librarian (Washington)
1 p.m. - Never Too Much: All About Romance In and Out of the Library
When it comes to romance it is easy to become overwhelmed with all the choices. Different titles, different authors, different subgenres, different formats and that’s just with frontlist titles. When you add backlist titles, or changing trends, it can seem an exhaustive task. Let’s demystify the genre together and learn to fall in love with learning about this popular genre.
Robin Bradford, Collection Development Librarian, Pierce County Library (Washington)
When it comes to romance it is easy to become overwhelmed with all the choices. Different titles, different authors, different subgenres, different formats and that’s just with frontlist titles. When you add backlist titles, or changing trends, it can seem an exhaustive task. Let’s demystify the genre together and learn to fall in love with learning about this popular genre.
Robin Bradford, Collection Development Librarian, Pierce County Library (Washington)
2:30 p.m. - Legal Reference: Sources and Strategies
Librarians can be at the front lines of the legal system. Join the Wisconsin State Law Library for an overview of our favorite sources for answers to frequently asked legal reference questions. Survey sample questions and answers for family law, landlord/tenant, estates and wills, civil and small claims cases, and more. Learn about print, database, and online sources, and how the Wisconsin State Law Library’s website and services can be used to optimize your legal reference services.
Carol Hassler, Access Services Librarian, Wisconsin State Law Library (Wisconsin)
Librarians can be at the front lines of the legal system. Join the Wisconsin State Law Library for an overview of our favorite sources for answers to frequently asked legal reference questions. Survey sample questions and answers for family law, landlord/tenant, estates and wills, civil and small claims cases, and more. Learn about print, database, and online sources, and how the Wisconsin State Law Library’s website and services can be used to optimize your legal reference services.
Carol Hassler, Access Services Librarian, Wisconsin State Law Library (Wisconsin)